Monday, April 11, 2016

Breaking Rules

Do you have personal rules for dressing that you don't even think of breaking?

I thought it might be a fun exercise to break all my own styling rules in this week's blog posts.

I haven't worn shorts in about twenty years. They don't fit into my lifestyle, and I feel very self-conscious about my left leg's technicolor veins. For the same reason, I rarely wear dresses.

These Bermuda length polka dot pull-on shorts by Tribal Sportswear are so cute that I decided to try them. These items were sent to me by a site that has since closed down. 

The shorts are nicely tailored with comfortable slits at the sides, and they end at my best skirt length, which all work well for me. When the occasion calls for something more sporty or casual, this look will serve me well while maintaining my personal style.

Above, I paired the look with a black vest sent to me by Fabrizio Gianni, but the more casual look without the vest is another option.

Flats are another wardrobe item I rarely wear. I do not find flats comfortable most of the time. When I purchase them when they would be more appropriate for the look or the event, I search for a foot flattering slim style that shows the top of the foot and pointed toes.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Cold Weather Again

Relentless high winds have returned cold weather to this part of the world, so the photoshoots are back indoors.

My brief fling with spring attire is over for now. On a recent date night, I wore this look layered with a fur vest, a long-ago Christmas gift from Mr. Mickey.

The ring is fun, bling I picked up during our travels. The reptile texture box bag is from S.M. Bradford Co. on Hilton Head Island. The top is from White House Black Market at the Outlet Mall in Blowing Rock, North Carolina.

The leather-trimmed blazer is old by Helmut Lang via Saks Off 5th. The pull-on dressy fabric pants are a couple of years old from Chico's. The fierce booties are by BCBGeneration via Saks Off 5th.

I share with you where I bought the pieces I wear to formulate a plan for building your wardrobe. You can likely find similar classic pieces wherever you like to shop if you want to use my looks for inspiration. 

Think about the items in your core wardrobe as building blocks. The pieces should all come from the same tribe, meaning they can be worn interchangeably to create different looks to fit the weather and the occasion. Accessories and add-on pieces can change your look and add personality later on, but you should invest in a great core of basics to build upon first.

Many of you asked about the Chrome/Pearl Glaze yesterday. My stylist creates a combination that is the right tone for my hair. She leaves it on for only a few minutes before the shampoo. A hair glaze, similar to a gloss, is temporary. They can be clear just to add shine or have some pigment to complement the hair color tone. Unlike a gloss, a glaze does not contain peroxide or ammonia. It only coats or sits on top of the hair.

What do you order when you go out to dinner? Most of the time, I order a salad and a steamed side vegetable such as broccoli. 

When I pieced together the items I wanted from the menu on this particular night, the server must have told the chef that I needed special attention. He came out to say he would be happy to make up a special pasta dish with vegetables for me. I thanked him and welcomed the chance to try out his version of vegetarian pasta since this is a new restaurant we were trying for the first time. 

What arrived was this mess with oil, heavy cream, and cheese holding it all together with shrimp and mere traces of leeks on top. Isn't it amazing what some people think vegetarians eat? I rarely eat any pasta at all. I never choose dishes with heavy sauces or gravy, bread, or cheese toppings. 

I did eat all of the salad with no dressing, which was fresh and crisp.

Onward to the next adventure!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

I Traded Old for Bold!

Did you go boldly into middle age without skipping a beat? Not I!

Most of these photos were taken yesterday as I carried out my usual Friday responsibilities. I had no meetings or appointments, so I could throw on a pair of jeans and a tank with a black linen biker jacket and a pair of sandals.

Personal style is the interpretation of a suggestion.

And then there is this.

The photo above was taken in 2010, shortly before I turned fifty-four. I weighed about forty-five pounds more than I do now. I was very sick and suffering from deep depression. I was still traumatized that I had turned fifty a few years before and couldn't figure out how to dress for this new phase of life. I thought I had to follow a new set of rules and wear different clothes as I aged. That depressed me even more! I wanted to dress age-appropriate, but I knew no guidebook for that.

I also wrongly believed that gaining weight was part of the aging journey. The aches, pains, health problems, and a weak immune system that came along with the weight gain were also attributed to the process of aging.

I gave away all my jeans and high heels in my late forties because I thought I needed to dress for this new stage of life in a different way or risk looking foolish.

I remember standing in a shoe store looking at a fierce pair of strappy high-heeled sandals and wanting with all my heart just to wear those shoes one more time. An evil little, wretched voice in my head whispered, "You are too old for those."

I realize today that depression and weight gain were part of a grieving process. I was mourning the loss of the person I wanted to continue being.

I will turn sixty in a few months, but I am not depressed about that milestone. The difference is my attitude mixed with a bit of wisdom. I know now that I can keep my lifelong personal style with a few tweaks.

I am wearing an old black linen biker-style jacket from Express. The Erin London silver-gray tank top is from the Marble Lion boutique located in the Inn at Biltmore Estate. The jeggings are from Chico's last year.

The bag is by Zac Posen via Saks Off 5th. The shoes are by Sam Edelman via Nordstrom a couple of years ago.

I went to see my friend and stylist this week. She gave me a fresh chrome mixed with pearl glaze and a trim. I am good to go for another five weeks.

Rock on, sisters! We've got this!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Blue And White On Date Night

White pants are a wardrobe staple for me. I wear them all year round.

In the winter, I wear white denim jeans often on sunny days. When the weather finally warms up, I start looking for lighter weight fabrics in classic styling to wear with great looking jackets and tunics. I normally buy a size larger in white pants than in darker colors unless the sizes run large.

I am wearing a pair of ankle pants sent to me by Purple Poppy by Renuar. They have the slimming wide waistband shown below that I appreciate so much. When I wear a sleek tunic or tank, I never want closures and loops, creating lumps and bumps under the fabric. Masculine style pants are never flattering on me. 

Always check to make sure you can not see through the fabric, and always wear nude color undies with white because white undies will still show through. This link is to a Spanx foundation garment from Macy's that I often wear under sleek fitting tanks and tunics. It isn't heavy-duty, but it does give you a nice smooth line around your tummy area.

The swing jacket is from IC Collection. I bought this one at ShopMyFairLady. The tank top is from Chico's. I buy these in several different colors because I never know when to complement whatever I am wearing. A styling tip; when jackets converge to create an unflattering neckline, I leave them open to create a long, lean line instead. A lower neckline is always more flattering for my face shape.

The shoes are old by Thalia and Sodi via Macy's last year. The box clutch bag is old from T.J.Maxx.

Mr. Mickey and I love to visit Gourmet and Company to sit in the lounge area or on the warm weather patio. The elegant and comfortable, quiet atmosphere is the perfect place to relax and visit with friends even if you aren't having dinner there.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

It's All About That Hair

This week, Joanne wrote to me about her powerful personal experience with a haircut that was wrong for her. She generously agreed to allow me to share her story with you.

"I left a lengthy comment on one of your blog posts about how important the right hairstyle is. Here is a rare decent picture of the pixie I had. I am stunned at the impact it has had on my life. I want to chime in about the importance of a good haircut that suits your face. I had a pixie cut and loved the feel of it during the summer. It was nice and cool. But it did not suit me, so I grew it out."

"I grew the pixie cut out to about the bottom of my collar. I had no energy. No life. Just felt blah all the time. I blamed my diet. I became very irritated with my hair and went to get it all whacked off again into a pixie. My hairstylist of several years suggested I go back to the angled bob as it is low maintenance and suits my face so much better."

"I cannot believe how much better I feel about myself and life. This all might seem shallow, but it is true! I feel good about myself. I want to get up in the morning. I want to dress up, I want to put makeup on, and most importantly, I want to be involved in life again. I had no idea that the proper hairstyle was so powerful!"

"I was starting to wonder if I was suffering from depression. I don't consider myself a vain person, but the right cut improved my sense of well-being more than I ever thought possible or logical." 

"I am 55 years old and do not color my hair. I do have plenty of grays; they just don't show in pictures yet."

Thank you so much, Joanne, for allowing me to share your experience here with my readers. I created this blog to show examples of the style that might inspire others who might need a change but are unsure how to make those changes.

Joanne's story is a perfect example of how style, texture, and form can affect our outlook on life and our self-image daily on so many levels.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Style Formula

How did you find your style formula?

That is a question I often get, so I will try to share that formula here today.

Knowing your body proportions and details is vital in deciding what looks best on you. My shoulders are wider than my hips, and my lower legs are short and broad in proportion to my thighs. I have a thick tummy and a roundish face. I have to work with that's what I dress to emphasize what I like and downplay my least favorite parts.

The open jacket over the slim-fitting tank's scoop neckline allows my face to appear to be less round, and the tank adds no bulky material, which would add pounds visually.

The way I part my hair, its length, and the angle of the cut make my face look less round.

The strong shoulders and slimming waist details of this jacket from White House Black Market give the illusion that I have a slimmer waistline than I do. If it were a warmer day, I would have pushed up the sleeves to visually lose another five pounds. The slim-fitting straight-leg ankle jeans are from J.Jill. They create a sleek line and balance for my legs without pooling on the tops of my shoes.

The Steve Madden suede fringe sandals are high enough to almost balance my short calves with my thighs. 

The top handle satchel bag is a good choice for me because it visually creates balance. If this were a shoulder bag resting in the middle of my body, it would add width to an area I do not want to focus on. The gray Saks tank top and bag by Zac Posen and Balmain's sunglasses are from Saks Off 5th.

The points above explain why these pieces work to balance my body visually. I love wearing this combination of a jacket, tank, and slim-fitting straight-leg ankle jeans (not skinny). This look works well with my lifestyle. I can add accessories to these basic classic pieces that show my personality and finish off the look in many different ways.

I hope that my blog posts help you find your own style formula that allows you to get dressed with confidence and ease each day.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Speaking Engagement

My recent speaking engagement with the USDA Forest Service Group in Asheville was such an enjoyable experience for me.

Everyone I met was so genuine and kind. It must surely be a joy to work in that office!

I am with Jennifer B. Parsell, Executive Assistant to the Station Director, and the Station Director, Rob Doudrick.

The beautiful lady with me is Sharon West. She was the first speaker of the day. I learned so much about diet and nutrition from her brief talk. I hope that our paths cross again soon. She has so much knowledge to share.

My talk was live-streamed to thirteen southern states, including the offices in the Washington, D.C. district. For the first time, I gave my presentation to ladies and gentlemen, so I included more information about nutrition's importance. I am confident those guys were not interested in hearing about the power of accessories and heels vs. flats with pant shapes.

I wore a jacket by Ming Wang with a tank and pants by Travelers from Chico's to give my presentation. The pumps are by Saks Fifth Avenue, and the bag is by Zac Posen; both items are from Saks Off 5th.

Later in the day, we checked in at the Hotel Indigo to a penthouse suite overlooking the world. If you are afraid of heights, you would have felt more than a bit uneasy standing at this window.

The boutique hotel is a celebration of modern decor and art.

On the second day, I wore old black jeans and an asymmetric hem black tunic from Chico's. The short boots are old by Saks 5th Ave via Saks Off 5th.

We stopped by Carmel's, one of our favorite restaurants, for lunch. We love to sit by the window and watch the passing tide of people. Asheville is such a fun busy place to visit!

The tulips were in their full glory, so we couldn't resist a drive through the grounds at Biltmore Estate.

Happy goats were enjoying a sunny day at the Biltmore Estate.

I am eagerly preparing for my next presentation at the Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce, Prime of Life Showcase later this month. 
I hope to meet you there!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Denim on Denim

Do you follow trends? Sometimes I do try a trendy combination.

Denim on denim isn't a new styling trick. Remember those acid-washed denim jackets with matching acid wash denim jeans from back in the eighties? In fashion history, every trend comes back around about every twenty years, and each time the younger generation thinks they invented it. I was wearing frayed and torn cut-off jeans when I was sixteen also. You can breathe easy; I won't be revisiting that trend!

At this stage of life, I carefully consider all trends before hopping on board. I don't want to look like I am still wearing the trend from the last time it was popular. My way of incorporating a trend now is to bring it up a notch and wear it in a more elegant way than a twenty-something might successfully wear a look. I know my body isn't the same, even if she and I wear the same size. I style a trend that can mean all the difference between feeling silly and being very confident and comfortable.

Slim-fitting legging style jeans give me a smooth flat front to layer tops over without all those loops and a snap and zipper showing through. I prefer them worn with a long tunic top rather than a shorter top that shows more of the body. These wide waistband midnight blue jean style leggings are from Foxcroft. The material is soft and smooth, and the fit is true.

This tunic is also from Foxcroft and is made from Tencel, a supremely soft and comfortable material that can look like denim. I love the details of this tunic! The details all work well for me, from the face-flattering V formed by the Johnny Collar to the high small front pocket placement. The long sleeves mean I can wear the top open as a jacket, look over a tank top, and the way I wore it here. The high-low hem instantly makes me look five pounds thinner!

When I go with the denim on denim look, I always vary the intensity of the two colors so that there is a high contrast between the top and bottom.

I typically want most of my backside and the tops of my thighs covered by the tunic I am wearing for a casual look. That is always a successful look for me when wearing legging-style pants. If the pull-on pant is more loose-fitting and dressy, I will often wear a shorter top layered with a longer jacket. This combination will break up the unflattering straight line of the hem of the jacket and the top's hem, stopping at the same point.

I wore this look to my warehouse and to run errands on a sunny day last week. I paired my tunic and leggings with shoes and a bag, both by Calvin Klein. The sunglasses were by Kenneth Cole Reaction via T.J.Maxx last year.

Nude shoes are my go-to color for warm weather, thanks to their slimming leg-lengthening effect. Nude means the color closest to your skin color.

Another styling tip that helps me look more up to date is not to button every button. If I am layering over another top, I might button only the two buttons in the center. Here I left the lower button undone. This looks more relaxed, but it also keeps the tops from wrinkling so much when I sit down. The seat belt causes wrinkles, no matter how careful I am!