Fiddlin' on the Greens, a benefit for the Johnson City Symphony, was held at our Country Club last evening.
Earlier in the month, I told you about shopping for cowgirl boots. This is the event I was planning to wear them to; however, none were found, so I made do with short boots that were already in my closet.
We had a fun evening, which included live entertainment by The Wolfe Family Jammers, Oleg Tmofeev, Barry Jove, Elizabeth Painter, and the ETSU Bluegrass Band. Other activities included hayrides, an old-fashioned cakewalk, a live auction, and professional photography by Elissa Wood.
Getting set up for the cakewalk. Members of the Symphony Guild made all these beautiful cakes. I am standing next to my coconut cream cake below.
It was quite a task to make our elegant Country Club look like a barn, but the decorating committee did a wonderful job.
The Wolfe family gets ready for their photoshoot by Elissa Wood.
We are so grateful to Ashley and Steve Grindstaff, who presented this event and do so much regularly to give back to our community.
The crowd enjoyed the barbecue and all the other great food and the excellent live music performed during the evening.
Mr. Mickey is at the head of the table to start the cakewalk.
My beautiful friend Mary Powell invited me to join the Symphony Guild and several other groups when I moved into the neighborhood.
Oleg, the Fiddler, played while participants walked around the table until he stopped playing. We placed our hands on numbers all around the table as we walked. When Oleg stopped playing, the caller would pull a number from the basket. If your hand was on the number, she called you got to choose the cake you wanted. Then you stepped aside to watch the others compete for the remaining cakes. Mr. Mickey and I did not win a cake, but it was great fun being part of the walk.
Josh Smith is the anchor of WJHL-TV News. He is one of the most genuinely kind and pleasant men you would ever want to meet. We always enjoy seeing him out and about.
I am wearing a blouse from Chico's, jeans from the Loft, and a cowgirl style hat from Target.
I had a sense of deja vu as I looked at these photos, and then I remembered a photoshoot I did more than thirty-five years ago.
Look at that 1970's hair!