I enjoy questions and comments from readers so much. Obviously, you do, too, because those are always popular posts. Here is a new suggestion for a topic from Peggy.
Good morning, Susan:
I read your blog daily and greatly admire all that you do. A suggestion for a future topic would be caring for all the wonderful clothing you wear so well. For example, laundering washable pieces and undergarments ... how and how often. Dry cleaning other pieces ... how and how often.
Keep up the fabulous work; you are a beacon of positive vibrations!
Thank you!
I can tell you from experience that washing rayon and some other man-made fabrics won't always turn out well. I liked the tunic above a lot until I washed it and accidentally put it in the dryer. Now it is a small shirt in the to-go bag in the attic. Always read the care labels for appropriate cleaning tips.
Use the proper setting on your machine for the load. For example, my machine has a hand wash feature that I use to wash delicate bras and underwear items. I always hang those items to dry in front of a small fan on a rolling rack overnight.
From the Container Store |
My rolling rack gets used for many different tasks, such as sorting items and putting together looks when I am packing for a trip. I use it to keep up with the items I need to do a review on. It is my hanging bar as I take items out of the dryer and then transport the items from the laundry room to my walk-in closet and hold items to air dry. I found mine at Home Depot, but you can also get them at The Container Store and lots more big box stores.
Fine knit fabrics such as MicroModal tops from Covered Perfectly and Ponte knits should always be washed inside out on the gentle cycle and then hung to dry. This prevents the items from pilling and or shrinking.
I love to wear white jackets and lightweight pale cardigans. I get them professionally dry cleaned at the end of the season. I leave these items on that famous rolling rack for a couple of days to air out before putting them back into their place in the closet. I always check pieces in natural light for stains or needed repairs before I put them away.
I always use a lint brush on the shoulders of every garment before I wear it. Isn't it amazing how much dust can find its way into a tiny room?
Items with trim such as feathers, velvet, faux or real leather or fur, suede, or reptile trim should be professionally cleaned as needed.
Tip: Remove ornate buttons such as the one on the tuxedo jacket above before taking the item to the cleaner. Fancy buttons do not like to go to the cleaners! I sew them back on after I pick up the garment.
Jackets in dark colors can be worn a few times without dry cleaning, but at least once every season is a good idea. When an item is stained, I take it directly to the Dry Cleaner to explain the origin of the stain so that they can appropriately clean and have the best chance of removing it.
Garments that rarely touch your skin, such as coats and ruanas, can be cleaned once a year. My personal rule: If worn against my skin, such as pants, first layer tops, and underwear, it gets washed each time it is worn.
I turn jeans and other pants inside out and wash them in cold water. Then turn right side out and tumble dry for just a few minutes, if at all. I then hang them up to finish drying.
I clean shoes, wallets, and bags every season with black or neutral shoe polish, which cleans and protects the items.