Saturday, January 9, 2016

Seasonal Purge

I get the urge to purge at the beginning of each season. Now that winter is here, I am judging items and determining if they have served me well. Not just the clothing items but everything in my home. Does that candle smell weird? Does that clock keep the correct time? Do those towels feel wonderful on my skin? 

If something I bought in the past was a mistake, I give it to someone who needs/wants it, or I donate it to Goodwill or The Haven of Mercy.

I was allergic to the fabric of that red jacket. Those jeans were too distressed and the seams twisted after washing.

I look awful in khaki pants.

Tops with too much going on at the bust do not give me the desired effect.

Tailored loose-fitting gray slacks (or any color of that style) are not for me.

Print blouses, khaki pants (again!), and shoes that make my feet look wide are gone.

Boxy sweaters and jackets, as well as capri pants, must go!

Memorable patterns, prints, and very bright colors are not for me.

Anything that causes me constant discomfort while wearing is now gone. Jackets that have necklines that choke me can not remain in my closet!

Seeing my buying mistakes over and over again is like getting a poke in the eye. Why would I continue to live with them?

My new rule is simple. "Buy only what captivates you. Purge from your life that which does not."

My purchases in 2015 include fewer mistakes than ever before. That makes me happy! How about you? Are you still honing your style?