Wednesday, January 15, 2014


The style shows for 2014 are showing a return to the minimalism of the nineties.

It's all part of the fashion cycle. We are draped in layers of jewelry, scarves, and lots of colors for a few years. Eventually, we get tired of it all and go back to navy, black, gray, and white with straightforward lines and minimal accessories. I have always embraced a certain amount of minimalism in my personal style.

I feel most comfortable in clean lines and solid colors with only one or maybe two bold accessories. It seems a lot of you also gravitate to minimalist looks. My Polyvore sets have been viewed more than four and a half million times!

I created this necklace as a special order this week and posted it on Facebook. The responses I received included offers to create for stores and hundreds of people asking how much. This is an effortless pendant necklace style on only one strand with two simple beads and caps as part of the strand. It is timeless and regal looking. I can imagine the President of a company wearing this with an elegant black suit as easily as a young woman would wear it with jeans and a tee and high heels. 

The point of this post is to encourage you to wear (and create if you are one of my clients) accessories that celebrate individuality and personality. One or two bold pieces are all you need. Matching necklaces, bracelets, and earrings are sure to make you look overdone and dated.

A bold, elegant necklace can be as simple as this large pendant piece with a simple bail and a bold silver chain. I've seen it offered as such a necklace for as much as $60.

Some may say that minimalism is bad for the economy. Still, during the nineties, I sold enough of my own jewelry designs to quit my retail manager job and almost double my salary the following year.

Opportunity is always there. Be flexible. Open your mind and your eyes to what is appealing at the time. Respect that trend and then do what suits you and your own style.