Saturday, January 23, 2016

Style Evolution

When you look back at photos of me from 2010, you will see a woman who was forty pounds heavier, very unhealthy, very stressed out, and very confused about my style.

I dumped the very frumpy wardrobe and forty pounds in about six months. It took a few more years for me to settle into a style that reflects my personality.

Style is unspoken communication. For a few years, after I lost weight, my style said, "I am dressing in what might be age-appropriate, but It feels as if I am wearing my mother's clothes and shoes." Crepe sole, round toe shoes make me feel ill. Boxy jackets and masculine-style-tailored slacks will never touch my body again!

One pop of color and one statement piece of jewelry (not three!) works much better for me. Wide lapels, or heaven forbid, two wide lapels plus a scarf is not a good look for me. The muted golden brown tones of the scarf and the too textured cardigan's color are entirely wrong for me.

Another what was I thinking moment! Up close and in person, this jacket looked like a subtle animal print. In photos, it looks like an ode to Duck Dynasty. After I stopped buying prints, my closet became my happy place.

Other, more subtle changes helped me to relax into a look that feels more authentic to my personality. I let my hair grow out a bit, and it is now cut into a stacked angled bob that is side-parted to be more flattering to my round face. 

My stylist added some very subtle lowlights underneath to give my gray more depth to softly frame my face. She also adds a chrome glaze to my hair and trims it every five or six weeks. I no longer blow dry it every day, so it is much healthier and fuller.

In my most recent photos, you will see a woman who wears what feels comfortable. My wardrobe doesn't just physically fit my body; it now reflects my personality. 

I have ditched the trying too hard hair, too much jewelry, and bulk adding details.

Clean, simple lines, classic pieces in solid neutral colors, sleek, structured bags and shoes, and slim-fitting (not skinny) jeans are my staples. I can now get dressed appropriately and comfortably for any event in about five minutes.

I hope this post helps you to see what a difference subtle changes in your style can make.