Sunday, July 5, 2015


Every gathering is made special with the sharing of traditional food.

Our friends and family always celebrate every occasion with food. Last evening, Mr. Mickey and I were guests at our dear friends Jennie and Edwin at the stunning home.

There was a grand buffet of homemade dishes of every type. I remained true to my vegetarian self and brought a huge basket of red, white, and blue grapes. A giant barbeque grill was set up on the side lawn, where people lined up to load their plates.

This fabulous vista overlooking the city provides an excellent view of the fireworks display to follow.

I was in my element as I walked around the fabulous home, enjoying both the decor and the couple's vast art collection.

My red, white and blue look for the evening included a sweater, tank, and jeans, all from Chico's. The Erica Lyons necklace is from Belk. The wedge sandals are old from DV Dolce Vita.

I hope your celebrations were all magical.