Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Go Red for Women

The 2015 Tri-Cities Go Red for Women Luncheon was held in Kingsport this week.

Go Red for Women's Circle of Red is a powerful, passionate group of people dedicated to making an impact in our community's fight against heart disease.

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in women. Yet, only 1 in 5 American women believe that heart disease is her greatest health threat.

Here are more unsettling facts:
Heart disease causes 1 in 3 women's deaths each year, killing approximately one woman every minute.
90 percent of women have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease.
Since 1984, more women than men have died each year from heart disease, and the gap between men and women's survival continues to widen.
The symptoms of heart disease can be different in women vs. men and are often misunderstood.
While 1 in 31 American women dies from breast cancer each year, 1 in 3 dies of heart disease.

Learn more about how to prevent heart disease here.

There are three ways you can help, and committing to even one, you will make a difference: 
Advocate for healthier hearts, starting with your own.
Spread the word by sharing what you know about heart health with other women. 
Support Go Red For Women with your time and resources.