Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wear It Wednesday - Storage

Having a place for everything and everything in its place has always been part of my daily structure. Many of you asked to see my closet and storage system, so I'm sharing that with you today.

When you enter my closet, this built-in shelving unit is the first thing you see.  It's a great place to keep the handbags I carry most often and jewelry. I stuff handbags with tissue and keep them in dust bags when they come with one.

Clutches are on a lower shelf, and on the bottom shelf is a long basket that holds cuffs and bangles. The little strawflower can be pinned to a plain straw hat.

This jewelry box was a Christmas gift from Mr. Mickey a few years ago. It is full of vintage pins and other bits, as well as the basics I wear all the time.

Hats are in the boxes on the top shelves. Tanks and blouses are on the top bar to the left. Tees and casual jackets, as well as swimsuits and cover-ups, are on the bottom bar. (I keep the pillows I sleep on here during the day. Decorative pillows to match the comforter are on the bed.)

Pajamas, dresses, long sweaters, jackets, and tunics are in the next section.

Skirts, pants, and jeans fill the next section. 

Mr. Mickey keeps a few things at my house so that if he comes to pick me up for a date and what he has on clashes with what I have on, he can change. This was his idea!

Decorative square and rectangle shape boxes hold evening clutches.

Jackets are behind the door in the final section. Those odd bits on the lower right are the 'to go' section. They are on their way to a new home. I regularly edit my items to donate that which I no longer wear.

On the back of the door is a rack holding some of the black shoes I wear most often, and on the wall, there is a tie rack that neatly holds necklaces. 

The belt holder below also holds necklaces. The rolling rack it is hanging on has been a great tool. When I downsized to my current home, I was sad to see that the laundry room didn't have a hanging space at all. By keeping this rolling rack behind my walk-in closet door, I always have extra hanging space for empty hangers or whatever outfit combination I am working on at the moment. When it comes time to do the laundry, I just wheel it into the laundry room to hang clothes on as I take them out of the dryer. Later I can wheel them into the closet to put them where they belong.

The rolling rack, the tie rack, and belt holder, as well as all three shoe racks, came from Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Scarves are hung across felt hangers in half of the guest room closet. The other half has more shoes and casual boots.

This new third rack for shoes is in a finished storage room in the attic. I hung the shoes by their heels, which means the back of the rack is empty. If I ever need the space, I can turn it to the side instead of against the wall and use both sides to double the storage space.

I hope this post gives you some ideas for storing your collection.