
Friday, August 26, 2016

You Make Me Blush!

This blush jacket was added to my collection several months ago. It has surprised me how well it works with all my neutrals.

White jeans and a tank can be a perfect base for you if you wear white near your face, and you don't mind white pants. Inverted triangle body shapes love the balance that comes from wearing white pants with a darker top.

I wear white jeans all year round if the weather is dry. That rule about not wearing white after Labor Day has been put to rest. A third of my wardrobe is white, so I wear it often. It is the fabric that we need to think about during cold weather, not the color. I wear heavyweight white jeans in the dead of winter because they are as warm as any other denim.

Perhaps cream would be a better option for you, but one color of top and bottom with a contrasting color over it can be very slimming. It is always an effortless way to get dressed. Wearing a light color in hot weather helps keep us cool. It may be a sheer cardigan or vest that becomes my third layer in summer, but a column of color works well for me.

The beauty of a column of one color with accents of another is that getting dressed is a snap no matter where you are going. Great fitting white jeans or jeans styled pants such as these by Fabrizio Gianni are worth the investment. I have worn these often for over two years, and the fit stays true after every wash.

Pocket placement is crucial in the jean design. If the pockets are in the wrong place, they can accentuate the parts you may not want to, and they can make you look wider than you are or bring attention to the fact that your bottom is lower than it used to be. Always take a look in a three-way mirror before you buy jeans. I never wear embellished or torn jeans.

Someone asked me about rules for wearing belts recently. I do wear them but with limitations. I would never in a million years tuck a top into a pair of jeans and wear a belt at my natural waistline. Your natural waistline is where your body bends when you move from side to side or bend over. Mine is very high, so that means I have a short waist. I can only wear a belt with a partially tucked in top and lower rise pants. Alternatively, I can wear a low-slung belt over a tunic to mimic a lower waistline.

To make your short waistline look longer, wear a belt the same color as your top. If, however, you have a long waist, wear a belt the color of your pants.

The blush jacket is old from White House|Black Market. The tank top is from Chico's. The pants are by Fabrizio Gianni. The bag is from Express. The shoes are old by Sam Edelman. 


  1. Susan, I love this jacket on you so much. Such a cheerful colour and makes this outfit pure class. The colour is so complimentary to your hair and complexion. Beautiful! Have a wonderful, fun weekend.

  2. Susan, So glad/surprised to learn so much of your wardrobe is white. We seem to have similar coloring and I have enjoyed seeing you wearing the same accent colors I choose. However, I never wear black or navy near my face as I am fair with white hair and it completely washes me out. It seems as though you wear much black in the cooler weather, so I have really enjoyed your blog this summer. Our body shapes are also different as I am a slim hourglass with a long waist. I still learn so much from your blog as your tip today for those of us with longer waists. I also plan to start wearing more ivory or white in the cooler months based on your assurance that it is acceptable. Thanks for all you do, Cindy

  3. God bless you for not wearing torn jeans!!!!!

  4. For us triangles/pears, the column of color works well, too. The base color can be light with a dark jacket/cardi, or a dark base with a light jacket/cardi. If there is high contrast, the eye sees the vertical line, which makes us appear taller and slimmer, which is why keeping a jacket unbuttoned is key. The eye is also drawn to the contrasting top, rather than the lower body -- win, win for us triangles. The base doesn't have to be black or white. It could be any color you love, as long as it's all the same color base with high contrast in the jacket/cardi.

    It's an illusion that works. I get compliments when I use this strategy. Thanks for teaching me this best-ever trick of the eye!

  5. Blush is a lovely color, but not to be worn by everyone. It can wash some people out. You wear it well. I love a blush that has a little bit of warmth to it. It serves as a lovely neutral for me. It is exciting for me that, this far along in my adult life, I am finding the right shades and styles and it makes me love getting dressed. Thank you for being a style mentor.

  6. I am simply amazed you have no issues walking around in all those heels!!! More power to you!!! The only heels I can wear are Paul Green and his are not so high and sexy looking :( but I love them!

  7. I believe this color suits you very well. It softness is very kind and you look lovely.

  8. Susan, I just love to read your posts. They are so informative and helpful as I decide which clothes to buy and not buy as the case may be. Thank you for all your wonderful explanations.

  9. I have to laugh- i grew up in NY where one would never wear white after Labor Day. I have lived in Florida for 20 years now and while I do wear white after Labor Day (but not much past October/old habits die hard!) I must admit I feel a little like a rebel when I do- and I like feeling like a rebel! Funny thing is, reading for post today helped me with planning my clothes for 10 days in Italy next month. I have been telling myself it's okay to wear white in Italy because they don't celebrate Labor Day at all! Thanks for such great fashion advice. I especially like the column of color idea which I have never ever done! Sounds like a winner for sure!

  10. You always look so cute and well put together.I am learning so much from you and have started to go through my closet and delete those items that are not helping me look the way I want to look- cute and well put together. Thank you for your beautiful blog.


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