
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Shop Your Closet!

Carefree dressing means something different for everyone. I like the concept of having a few versatile pieces that all work together and can be worn dressed up or down to serve my needs.

Have you had to change the slices of your wardrobe pie over the years?

I have a very busy social and work-life right now. I do not attend many casual functions or relax at home very often. That means my wardrobe pie may be sliced differently than yours. 

For your clothes to serve you well, you need to be realistic about your life. For example, if you have a closet full of office-appropriate garments that you never wear anymore because you have retired, maybe it is time for a good purge.

I have purged my closet several times since I lost forty-five pounds a few years ago. I certainly didn't get it right at first!

I now own mostly separates in solid colors, and I hang them in my closet by type. My tank tops are together from lightest to darkest. My blouses are hung together lightest to darkest and so on. When I walk into my closet, it is easy to "shop" for the day's look. 

I also similarly store my accessories and shoes to tell at a glance what I have to choose from.

As I am getting dressed, I think first about the weather. I never wear white or light-colored pants on a day that might include rain. The pants will become permanently stained from splashback as you walk. Thankfully that silly rule about not wearing white after Labor Day has been put to rest.

Shop for the colors that flatter your complexion and silhouettes that complement your shape so that the items work together.

This old top from Chico's is an excellent example of a piece that I have worn in many ways. I like it because of the simple neckline and unique hem. The three-quarter-length sleeves help me appear taller and slimmer. The asymmetric hemline also breaks up the horizontal line so that the eye is not drawn to the hip area, nor does that break line cut my body in half, making me look shorter and broader. Wearing a dark color on top visually minimizes my largest half.

This top fabric is also three-season material, which means I can wear it for most of the year.

This same top could be worn with slim black pants and heels with fabulous jewelry out to dinner or a formal function.

I could just as easily pair it with faded jeans and a pair of flat sandals to be worn to a casual function.

When the elements of your wardrobe serve you well, you spend much less time saying, "I have nothing to wear!" and lots more time living your life and looking great while you are at it.

That's why I share what I have learned. I hope my tips prove helpful to you as you build a wardrobe that works well for you.


  1. Susan, Love this combination for summer!
    And, these particular pants are the perfect length.

  2. I love the black top + white pants combination and wear it frequently. I think it looks very classy. You hit the nail on the head regarding re-thinking your wardrobe after retirement. I do have a couple of suits and dresses in my closet, mainly for weddings or funerals. But I've noticed even those events are not the dress-up occasions they once were.

  3. Love your shorter hair Susan. And the shoes are fantastic.

  4. Like Kathy (above) I wear a lot of black and white, in fact I have a top almost identical to the one you have on. I reach for it over and over again. I have another one like the black in a tangerine color that looks great with my white pants too.

    I retired 4 years ago and had to completely rethink my wardrobe needs. I get a lot of good tips from you as well.

    I love your hair shorter, it makes you look younger!

  5. Such good advice as always. Great outfit - so versatile as you say.

  6. Susan, I love your style. I also love the way you show the same wardrobe item worn in different ways for different occasions. Especially interesting is the fact that you do not wear unflattering items just because they are trendy, and you do not pile on the makeup and accessories. You are really a class act.

  7. Looking great as always. I love black and white together. What are the white pant you have on? I am trying to fine the prefect pant for me. I rely enjoy your blog


  9. The pants are from last year by Fabrizio Gianni. The sandals are at least three years old by Vince Camuto.

  10. Love your haircut! I have read all your posts from the beginning and it's interesting to watch how you have honed your style, Somehow I missed your blog anniversary and want to tell you how much I appreciate all your posts and advice.

  11. Susan, love your hair. I always have, but this shorter style does make you look younger and fresher.
    Wow!! Thanks for pointing out that my "wardrobe pie" might be different than your "wardrobe pie." I think I knew it, but couldn't quiet put it into words!! I love all your outfits, but I have had to realize that that is not my lifestyle any more. Otherwise I end up with a lot of clothes that I very seldom wear. I need very few dressier kind of outfits but I'm drawn to them. I do love the way you always suggest how to dress articles down or up for personal needs. Thank you for all the time and hard work that you put into your blog. Every post is fun to read and I love the places you and Mr. Mickey go to.

  12. Susan,
    As always you look great. I love black and white together. It just says classic styling. I soon will have to rethink my wardrobe when I retire. My office is a business/casual dress code but I still like to dress up some days. It just make me good about myself.

  13. I love this look! I have also been searching for a better pant. Would you mind sharing which cut or style yours are? I think I may be a similar shape. I like the effect of wearing a darker color on top and a lighter color on the bottom. Black and white looks so timeless and young!

  14. The pants are from last year by Fabrizio Gianni. The sandals are at least three years old by Vince Camuto.

  15. Your hair looks great a little shorter and looks like you got a little more sun and you "looooook marh-va-luss!"

  16. I love your shorter hair, youthful and perky! I love how you find your best looks.

  17. I'd like to join the other ladies and say that your shorter haircut looks amazing. Your clothes always look great on you. Thanks for all the wardrobe tips you provide. Whenever shopping for clothes for myself, I find myself wondering if you would approve.

  18. You look faaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous!!

  19. Great post Susan,very informative.

  20. I was just wondering how do you store your jewelry. I'm trying to get organized for a change. Ha ha

  21. Love this top. Wish it was still available. I also love the shorter hair style. Could you tell us why you went shorter and how you style it?

  22. I cut just the front of my hair because I got tired of it hanging in my eyes while I was working. I sometimes blow the roots dry upward and then let it air dry the rest of the way. There isn't a lot of styling involved. :)

  23. This post certainly makes a lot of sense. I need to go through my closet for sure, since I still have things for the office and am now retired. Also I need to give more thought when I do buy new pieces!


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