
Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Style

I am the first to admit I don't have a strong summer dressing game.

My sister and I recently spent the day at The Biltmore Estate having lunch and touring the gardens and the conservatory.

From earlier this year.

I wore a Foxcroft tunic from a blog post earlier this year, with dark wash jeans and flat sandals. We planned to do lots of walking, and the weather person predicted cool temperatures for the day. However, instead of seventy degrees, it was more like ninety degrees that day.

Even though I was wearing a long sleeve tunic, I was still reasonably comfortable. I live in an area that isn't normally very hot, and I do not spend time outside during the heat of the day, so I don't have a separate wardrobe for summer. 

I am certain that those who live in areas with long hot summers may laugh at my choices. Even when the tops have sleeves and wear them with white or light wash jeans, I am still fairly comfortable. I wear lightweight, loose-fitting, and light color natural fabrics during our hottest weather.

Sundresses and sleeveless tops are not my favorites, regardless of the heat.


  1. My philosophy is "Create the illusion of perfection rather than proof of imperfection". You live up to that really well. SheilaJ.

  2. I applaud your choices even for hotter climes. I believe we women of a certain age look better mostly covered. And this includes most of our arms and most of our legs. Our bodies are simply changing and even if you are at a healthy weight, we just don't look the same. I think our connective tissue is different. At least that is what I observe around me. A dear sweet 91 year old family member recently visited our home in a sundress. She looked better when she put the jacket on with the dress.

  3. I agree! As you age your body is not the same as it was in your youth. I want sleeves, 3/4 length is my favorite for summer and sometimes crop pants but we have similar beliefs, Susan. However, at 76 I can no longer wear my high heels.. so enjoy while you can.. I did not give mine up until 2 years ago. I still wear some wedges and still wish I could wear those beautiful high heels. Don't give it up until you have to. I enjoy your blog and find that we do agree on the pants and the blouses and covering up at certain ages.

  4. The Biltmore looks like a gorgeous place to visit and it's on my list if we ever get to North Carolina. I so envy your climate - with the humidex today we're going to be the equivalent of over 100 F!!! Way too hot to be outdoors.
    Enjoy your day.

  5. I think you look great,as always. We all need to wear what makes us feel comfortable regardless of what others choose to wear. I tan easily and have always worn short sleeves in the summer but I find myself covering up more because I don't want skin cancer...even with sunscreen damage can occur. So wearing tops with sleeves, as we age, is smart....also I find myself being cold in over-airconditioned businesses so sleeves help that too!

  6. I have always enjoyed when you shared pictures of your sister. Since your Blog opened by saying that your sister was with you I was hoping to see a picture of her included.

  7. I agree. Love the look of sleeveless sundresses, but I don't feel comfortable in sleeveless. My arms are not big, just don't have muscle tone, so not my favorite part to expose. You look great in this outfit, Susan!

  8. I have to have a summer cool wardrobe too--there is no way I could wear the foundation garment and a form fitting top, plus jeans, even the stretchy kind. It's not a choice, sometimes (more often than not) I must be out in the summer heat and humidity, which makes my curly hair even bigger. I wear a lot of hats, headband that are wide and comfy, and scarves to control the hair! I am in good shape, so still wear sleeveless tops (with sunscreen!) and crop pants. Sometimes a Bermuda short. A long cool dress is also an option for me at times, and many of those are sleeveless too. I can add a wrap or short sheer sweater if needed for A/C. With heat and humidity the indexes can be well over 100 here. Sometimes I have the option to stay in, but sometimes not. Those are two shower days!!

  9. My sister asked me not to put her on the blog this time so I honored her request.

  10. I like looking my age--that is younger than my mother and older than my daughter. You have a nice style. I also don't want to look like I'm in the office all the time. it can be a challenge.


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