
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Easy Pieces

At the end of a twelve-hour workday, I just want to take a long bath and go to bed. On this particular evening, I had a date with my favorite gentleman, so getting dressed in five minutes was next on my busy agenda.

You rarely see me in full makeup and a well-planned look here on the blog (or in my daily life). This look is certainly no exception!

These days, I feel a strong urge to simplify and uncomplicate my life, so I have been clearing clutter from my home and closet this year. Do you do that too occasionally? It feels great to look around and see only the things that bring me joy or that I actually use.

The rings were gifts from Mr. Mickey. The earrings are from Target.

My white jacket and the belt are old from Chico's. The scoop neck black tee is from White House|Black Market. The Tribal pants were a gift from Copper Penny in Hilton Head. The bag is old from Express. The shoes are old from Vince Camuto.


  1. Thanks for the closeups of the jewelry as well as alternative shoes and your taking time to share your choices with us each day. I think you always have a very well put together look and appreciate the work that goes with this. I enjoy your blog daily. Rhonda

  2. beautiful, as usual. I love your shoes and your jewelry..... might even go buy that cuff if it's's so beautiful!

  3. You really have pieces that go well together. Great outfit! You look fabulous - would have never known that the photos were taken at the end of a long day.

    I enjoy seeing "real" bloggers much more than staged blogs because I can relate and get ideas that apply to me.

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

  4. I love to read your blog because it captures everyday life. Your "little camera" does a fine job. It tells us all we need to know. Keep on doing what you do so well.

  5. The reason I subscribe to your blog is that you have old and new pieces. Just a like a real person! :)

  6. I love your blog just the way it is. You shine from within in each post and you keep it real! You are a true inspiration to those of us in the 50+ demo.
    Nancy in the Northeast

  7. Great blog today. Thanks for sharing a bit of your world with us.

  8. Since I live in a rural area and my work involves visiting developmentally delayed children in their homes, I do not even attempt to match your style of dress...except it inspires me to look my best every single day. I schedule manis and pedis for myself, I try to eat healthy. I have tried several of the recipes from your posts. I hope to always try. To look my best, regardless of my plans. Approaching 65 does not scare me. I'm looking forward to a vacation on the Great Lakes so my granddaughter can show me how to kayak.
    Trying my best to make each day my best.

    1. Jeanette, I love your reply and I too work with children so looking my best is a different idea than fabulous high heels and accessories. I love that you are motivated by Susan's fun life to take good care of how you look and live! Feeling happy about how we are taking care of ourselves helps us in our work to care for young ones.☺️

  9. Susan I always enjoy viewing your blog. You do an awesome job! My only disappointment has always been the "shoe envy" thing. Thanks for showing these cool-looking flats for us (I'd love to see you rock them!). I've been in orthotics and "special" shoes for over a year now. I'm in the midst of recovering from a serious foot surgery, and, according to my surgeon, the most important thing in a shoe, even flats, is arch support. I hope you will always be fortunate enough to avoid foot problems, but just a quick word of warning to those of us who aren't.
    You can look sexy in a cast to the knee...not so much!

  10. This is the reason I love your blog - it is real and filled with great advice, terrific photos and not just a platform for selling products that have been contributed to you for the sole purpose of advertisement. I have cut down on so many blogs that became increasingly sales pitches.

    You are a stunning and accomplished woman and it is a pleasure to connect with you via your wonderful blog.

  11. I had no idea that some blogs are professionally staffed!! I think you and Mr. Mickey do a fabulous job!! Keep up the lovely outfits and photos.

  12. I love your look and your attitude! The highly produced blogs are not for me. I prefer your personal charm and affordable approach to fashion!

  13. You are my style guru. Thank you for sharing as much as you do. -Julie

  14. I reason I love your blog is because you are real. I visit everyday to see what a real woman is doing. Please keep doing your blog. Thanks.

  15. Susan you are a very down to earth person. I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  16. If this is a look that was simply put together at the last minute, I am truly impressed. Your style sense is well-honed and very chic. I love it when I can recognize an item in your wardrobe that I have in mine, usually from Chico's. I do work at clearing out my wardrobe, but still have a substantial number of items. I simply love clothes. Could be worse!

  17. The fact that you are "natural" on your blog is what I enjoy most about it! Hope you never change that . . . regardless of how successful you and your blog become! Thank you : )

  18. Susan, as always, you look terrific, and I love, love, love that you wear items that are affordable. So many times, fashion bloggers post a link to what they're wearing and I click on it only to find the "sweatshirt" costs over a hundred dollars! Thank you for always showing us that one doesn't have to be wealthy to put together a chic ensemble.

  19. Many ladies have said what I love about your blog posts, Susan: you are inspiring, approachable, and REAL. I only want to add that if anyone hasn't read the book Susan recommends, Eat to Live by Dr. Furhman, that is the best tip I've gotten from such an amazing role model! All the fun and vitality Susan shares with us starts there. Love the "icing" on the healthy cupcake though!❤️

  20. Animal prints are neutrals!

    But aside from that, thank you for keeping it real. Real for you is glam in my world.

    I think there is a natural tendency to make changes as we approach life milestones, whatever those milestones may be. I'm in the process of clearing my closet. The hardest part is realizing that some things still fit my body, but not where I am in life right now. Things change. We change.

  21. This is why I love your blog Susan: your so authentic and offer up both style and affordability. Thanks for always keeping it real!

  22. The belt is fabulous. So unusual. What I great shopper you are. Actually I like the whole outfit. Timeless and elegant. Sheila, Northampton.

  23. Susan, I just turned fifty and I love your blog. You are always so elegant and chic- without a professional photographer, makeup artist, etc. You don't need them! Your blog stands out because you are real, you look great and your posts are helpful and kind.


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