
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Casual Daytime Look

Does it really matter what you wear to run errands?

It never fails. If you go out looking less than your best, you will see someone you know. 

I was working on a project at my house a few years ago, and in the middle of the project, I realized I needed something from the hardware store. Without giving it a second thought, I pulled on a denim shirt over my white tee and khaki pants. I think I was also wearing some sort of tennis shoes, and the pants probably bunched up on top of them. I was likely not wearing much makeup, if any. Not a pretty picture!

While at the hardware store, I saw a pal from high school I hadn't seen for a couple of years. The last time I ran into him, I was looking much closer to my best. When he recognized me, his face took on a look of deep concern. He asked if I had been unwell. I assured him that all was well with me and then finished my transaction as quickly as possible.

Lesson learned! If I don't want to frighten small children, I need to tidy up a bit each day!

All kidding aside, I do shower, put on at the least a little makeup, and dress in something comfortable but still flattering each day. I do this for myself even when I am staying home alone. I feel more outgoing, positive, and confident when I am dressed for human interaction.

I was shopping at my local Belk department store yesterday when I got a call from Mr. Mickey. He happened to be in the area, so he stopped by to snap these photos for you. 

I was super excited to find this Ralph Lauren animal print belt I had admired earlier, now on sale for half off. 

Halfway through the morning, I had removed that heavy outer coat. The J.Jill cashmere cardigan over the turquoise blue Covered Effortless comfort top was enough layering for most of the day. (Both items were supplied by the companies.)

At this time of year, our temperatures may vary as much as thirty or more degrees in one day. Dressing in layers is the best chance we have of being comfortable for the whole day. If the sunshine had warmed us even more, I could have worn the cardigan over my shoulders for another look I really like.

The black ankle-length pants from Chico's are perfect to wear with flat loafers by BCBG. The socks are the most comfortable I have found. They are by Ralph Lauren via Dillard's, but I also found them at Belk. The hook belt is also from Chico's. The Calvin Klein bag is old via T.J. Maxx.

I wear these tops from Covered Perfectly often because they are so comfortable. They are made from an elegant MicroModal fabric that launders beautifully and falls right back into shape when you hang them to dry. They are perfect for layering since they don't add any bulk at all.

I will be wearing this new top during the warmer seasons because I love the color so much.

Fifty, not Frumpy followers can get a 20% discount on up to two items! Use the discount code FNF20 when you check out at Covered Perfectly. Only one discount can be applied per order. There are several styles to choose from, and the discount will apply on up to two items; after that, you can take advantage of the buy 2 get 1 FREE special.


  1. I write about this topic does matter for many reason! A little time goes a long way!

  2. Ha ha!! Halle s to be every old friend!!! That leopard coat is adorable. I bet your acquaintance saw you and said: she looks fantastic!!!! ;-)

  3. Voice to text messed that comment up a bit but you are fabulous!!

  4. Isn't it the truth that as soon as you run a quick errand without attention to how you look, you always see people you know? Happens to me every. single. time. LOL

    That being said, I also seem to get better service when I'm dressed nicely....the airport, shopping, the bank, where ever. I know it shouldn't matter, but it sure seems to.

    Love your style! You always appear so lovely, classy and put together.

  5. I am tired of other women telling me that I don't need clothes because I stay at home.

    LOL! Well it's obvious that everyone needs clothes where it snows six months out of the year, but I choose not to wear sweatpants and ratty old jeans and sneakers. I am driving kids around to activities and school, volunteering at school, chauffeuring elderly parents to appointments, shopping for groceries,banking and so not staying at home very often. You never know when the next opportunity will come knocking, and doors don't open for people who don't look the part.

    I need to feel good, and dressing in clothes that look nice are part of that. It doesn't need to cost a fortune.

    I wish women would be supportive of each other. Men say, "You look nice today."

    Thank you for the affirmation that making an effort makes us feel good, whatever others choose to make of it.

  6. I liked your leopard coat. That pretty blue top is an excellent color for you. It's nice to see a pretty color like that in the middle of the winter. It's a mood lifter.

    There must be some kind of unwritten rule that if one leaves their home not looking their best, they will run into someone for whom they would have been looking better if they would have known that person was going to be there. As an addition to that rule, it seems that the worse one looks, the more important is the person you encounter.

  7. I love this Susan. I met an old girlfriend of my husbands once with no makeup on and looking like crap. I certainly learned my lesson. BTW, I'm from Grundy, VA, not far from your neck of the woods.

  8. Hi Susan. I have been struggling for years as to what to wear for my age. I am now 61. I did not want to look old or wear clothing that my daughter would wear. I wanted to look modern with out looking like I am trying to be way younger than I am. I have heard criticisms from people regarding other people, oh look at her she looks ridiculous wearing that at her age. So I always worry what to wear. Finding your blog has set me straight. You look wonderful! I like your basic ideas, which are so simple. So 2016 is my year to get myself into shape and get my wardrobe into something exciting. As you said you dress everyday even if you are not going out. Can't wait to get started.

  9. Yes, it's so important to dress up a bit every day, mainly really for ourselves. If you feel good about yourself, your day goes usually a lot better! And isn't it the truth that you ALWAYS run into someone you know on days you don't look your best...

    I love your coat, and the blue color of your top looks fabulous on you! Great belt, too. An animal print belt is on my "list!"


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