
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Cinderella's Black "Crystal" Slippers

One of the reasons we love to go to Artisanal in Banner Elk is that you can be dressed to the nines while blending in with the other patrons.

In my late 20s, I started collecting key pieces in black to wear to special events. The reasoning is that I have always felt confident and stylish in black, but moreover, the items work together so well.

I'm wearing items purchased over a span of about twenty-five years.

The Draped Front top is Covered Perfectly. The sheer layered asymmetric skirt was found at T.J.Maxx about ten years ago. I bought the velvet and faux fur trimmed Erté inspired evening coat from one of my sales reps in about 1989 when she also represented my jewelry line.

These Sam Edelman shoes are my most recent purchase. They are undoubtedly the most fabulous pair of shoes I have ever owned!

The clutch is from T.J.Maxx a couple of years ago. The earrings and ring are old from Stein Mart.

Winter blew in on sporadic gusts of wind during the night. We awoke to the first frost of the season in the mountains today.

I was a little girl in 1965 when I saw Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella with Lesley Ann Warren for the first time. I dreamed of the day when I would find my own Prince and go to the ball wearing a beautiful gown. Nearly fifty years later, I have at last found my Prince, and I get to wear my black "crystal" slippers if not to a ball, then certainly to dinner.


  1. Outstanding look, I love it! Thanks for sharing~

  2. You do look fabulous! I love your so sophisticated but restrained style. Always great but never over the top. But as a dancer if you were really going to a ball you might have to wear a slightly more practical shoe. Or maybe not...

  3. You look absolutely marvelous! Love all the components of your outfit, but especially the shoes.

  4. So elegant and such a timeless look! Just beautiful.

  5. Wow! What a great look and as usual, you look lovely. I continue to enjoy your posts and your style while seeing some of the beauty of your surroundings. Thank you.

  6. Sweet comments about finding your prince. Lovely look.

  7. Susan love the coat and shoes. You are as beautiful as ever.

  8. I absolutely love the entire outfit! I'm also sitting here in one left Sam Edelman and I agree, they're amazingly comfortable. Now if I just knew a lady missing a left leg who needs many, many right shoes! I can only wear flats because they're safer with crutches or making transfers from the wheelchair. Also, if they ever find a prosthetic that works for me, I won't be able to wear over 1/3" heel. Edelman makes the best flats, bar none! Oh and Susan, I finally found a pair of black suede knee high boot with a 1/3 to 1/2" heel that they've faked to look quite a bit higher. I couldn't believe it!

    Now Susan, it's true confession time. You're my friend and I love you, but I'd sometimes get a pang in my heart seeing you look so gorgeous in photos with a pencil skirt and heels that make your legs look like they go on forever.

    I always read your advice and it took a good while to figure out how to adapt it to my one leggedness. When I get a new article of clothing or after I dress everyday, I drag a light weight folding chair in front of a full length mirror, hauling it while I hop with a walker. Then I sit and have a look. I use the walker upstairs and a power chair everywhere else.

    This was a real eye opener in the beginning! I knew that people had a bird's eye view down my top but I didn't realize how much until I started sitting in front of that tall mirror. Since I roast in tanks or sleeveless tees indoors summer or winter, I went on an online alternative hunt. I found garments called Halftees and now no one sees the goods except my husband! These things come in lots of colors in sleeveless, 3/4 sleeve, and long sleeve. They come down to the bottom of my bra or just below. Nothing to tuck in. Tag info is printed on the back so they can be worn with front or back forward, back being a little higher.

    This is a very wordy way of saying that you made me feel good about myself for the 1st time in too long. I finally found a winter coat for our mildish winters that I love. It's black suede and not too long, uncomfortable in a power chair. It has semi-wide 3/4 sleeves and I found a pair of long black knit glove with sequins all over the top. I would never have worn sequins except for a formal event. Now I wear them to the grocery store! People stare at a gray haired woman in a power chair anyway, they just do. Now I look them straight in the eye and give them a big smile. If they're going to stare at me anyway, I now figure I should give them a touch of flash and a big smile. They always, and I mean always smile back and often stop to talk.

    This is mostly your fault Susan, and I can't thank you enough! It's so easy to feel awful about myself. More than once I've seen a mother shield her child's eyes from that amputee. Oh the horror! Well pooh. I figure my insides are a lot closer to matching up with my outsides than that poor woman's. She's worried about her own terror, not her child's. I went through some real horror and terror after the surgery, praying for peace and joy, and finally got it. I can face the world, even the few people that can't face me. Susan you helped me find peace with how I look, and sometimes full out joy!

    Thank you again my friend,
    Lou, the one legged woman, with attitude!

  9. Gorgeous in black, Susan! I love the history of your pieces, and indeed the shoes are magical. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo

  10. Such a fabulous outfit...that jacket is to die for! And I am so jealous you can wear the shoes! You look stunning. That version of Cinderella will always be my favorite!

  11. You look gorgeous and those heels are just fabulous.


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