
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wear It Wednesday - Trends

The half-tuck or the messy tuck has been around for years.

By tucking in the front of my shirt, I can show off the belt detail. Tucking in the whole shirt can make you look really thick waisted. Additionally, I have no bottom at all, so that is not something I want to show off.

This is a very soft flowing tie front shirt from Chico's, which means there is already less material in the front, so it looks neater. A shirt that is full length in the front sometimes feels too bulky above the belt, but this one works nicely. The ankle zip jeans are also from Chico's.

Interesting belts are great, but I only wear them low-slung over a long tunic, with a jacket, or with a half tucked shirt because I do not want to draw attention to my thick waistline.

I will not be embracing all the trends (such as wearing high heels with sweat pants), but when a trend comes along that serves me well, I will make it part of my look.

Many of you have asked me what I wear on days off or when Mr. Mickey and I are not attending some function. This is a typical day off look for me.

After I walk three miles in the morning, I come home, eat breakfast, shower and get dressed for the day.

I work mostly from the office in my home, so there are days when I really don't need to go out for anything. I get dressed and put on makeup even when I stay home alone. If I were married and my husband would be home later, you can bet I would be doing this every day. We owe it to ourselves and to the loves of our lives to look pretty every day. 

Looking my best helps me feel more confident and be more productive. You can hear it in my voice if you call me while I am still in my PJs. I cannot fathom being in my pajamas at noon, but I see women going out to get the mail (at the Post Office!) or to pick up the trash bin late in the afternoon, still in their bathrobes.

If you are guilty of wearing those paint-stained old yoga pants around the house all the time because they are so comfortable, throw them away today. Wear a clean pair of jeans and a nice shirt or something else from your closet that you are saving for good. Every day of your life is a good and special day. You are important, and you deserve to look pretty every day. 

With the launch of this post, I will reach one million views on the blog today. I am honored to have been welcomed into your world so many times. I hope that my words and outfit ideas have served as a positive example for you. That is always my goal.


  1. Please give us details on where you purchased and brand of the whole outfit.

  2. The zipped ankle jeans also came from Chico's. The sunglasses, shoes and belt are from T.J.Maxx. The bracelet is one I have had for several years.

  3. Congratulations on reaching another well deserved milestone. The 1/2 tuck is not a trend I've taken to but seeing it on you it looks fresh and modern. I may just give it a try so I don't slip in to a 50 something and frumpy look.

    Like you, I also work mostly from home, exercise early in the morning and ready myself for work, proper attire, hair and face done as if I were going to an office. At the end of my work day I change out of my work clothes. I also feel far more in work mode when I'm dressed as such. Taking pride in your appearance often shows in pride in everything else you do. I can't believe the pajama trend either. Lazy is all it is, not a trend.

  4. Congratulations from Ireland. I now read all your posts and look forward to them every time. It is funny but I was driving to work thinking that I would ask about your daywear and when I opened the post there it was. You look great

    Good luck for the next million views. I will be contributing to that number!


  5. I love reading your blog. So glad your life is wonderful!! Yay for you. I only wish I could work from home. Daily I commit 11 hrs to work which includes my commute. Time for exercise and prettiness and fun...I'm struggling. But I keep reading about you and I can smile.

  6. Susan,congratulations! I enjoy your blog and appreciate all the thought and work that goes into bringing it to us.

    thank you,
    Mary Lou

  7. Congratulations Susan. I have just recently turned 60, and discovered your blog, and enjoy seeing your style ideas. I too have a background in fashion and love to keep up to date while also being conscious of what is "age appropriate". I wish we had Chicos in Canada, and your climate!

  8. Susan, Congrats on your 1 Million views! I just love your blog & your FB page. TY so much for all the wonderful info you always share!

  9. Congratulations on another milestone! Judging from the popularity of your blog, lots of gals feel it is important to be well-groomed and fashionable, which in turn leads to self-confidence. You are our guide for the journey.

  10. Congratulations on your successful blog from Greece .You look prettier and prettier from blog to blog .Your outfits ideas and words and pictures are really precious !Thank you!

  11. Really lovely photos - love your garden! You look like you have a super tiny waist - well done! Love the simplicity yet elegance of this outfit - I agree with dressing nicely every day even if you don't go out - you never know who might pop round to see you but it still feels nice to look nice!

  12. I really like this outfit. Congrats on the milestone.

  13. Thanks for your blog Susan, you are very inspiring.

    Cheers Jill

  14. A great blog post Susan ! I agree with everything you said, you just got to make an effort for yourself if nothing else ! a chic outfit which I love and CONGRATULATIONS !!! to you, best wishes.

  15. Hi, Susan. I enjoy checking out your blog and seeing your most recent outfit! However, I'm not a fan of the half-tuck. I think it looks sloppy from the side and the back. I guess I'm doomed to tuck my shirts in all around, like a "thick waisted older women who hadn't seen a fashion magazine in ten years or longer"! To each her own, I say. ;-)

  16. Thank you for your blog! I feel honored to have contributed of late to your million views! I found you via Pinterest several evenings ago. I turned 50 this year and I'm fighting the frump! I find your blog so inspiring in many areas and especially your weight loss. I have 50 pounds to lose and it's been a yo-yo-ing struggle for more years than I like to count. I just downloaded 'Eat to Live.' I have heard about it and have visited the website, but never read the book, and your words motivated me to do so. I'm finding that it makes perfect sense and agrees with what I seem to know instinctively about nutrition and diet. I (finally!) feel ready to tackle this hurdle once and for all! A question: did you find that a regular long daily walk was sufficient exercise during your period of losing the weight? I do understand that we are all different and what works for one may or may not work for another. I'm just curious as to what worked for you in the area of exercise. Thank you for posting your recipes, and your inspiring day to day life. Here's to another million!

  17. A note about exercise: I have always gone for a walk each day when time allows. Even 30 minutes is enough if you get your heart rate up and try to keep it up for at least 20 minutes. I used to do Pilates everyday but I am not as diligent with that in the summer months. I love being outside for my exercise. I wish you the best of luck and good health.

  18. This is very flattering and slimming. I haven't embraced this look.....yet. But I do like what I see on you hear. I honestly have not seen this much where I live....I guess we're all behind!

  19. Congratulations on your blog milestone. I always enjoy your posts and welcome many more to come.


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