
Friday, August 1, 2014

Jazz Night

At the end of a tough day, the best reward is a relaxing evening with your best friend.

Mr. Mickey and I stopped at the Memorial Hall Theater at the Veterans Administration for a few quick photos on our way to dinner.

The theater is supposedly haunted by an old projectionist and actors moving about on the stage. I am happy to report no such ghosts were seen on this visit.

Established in 1901, the Mountain Home VA Medical Center is located here in Johnson City.

We had dinner at Wellington's, where a jazz band was playing. They often have live entertainment, including professors and students from ETSU.

As is often the case, we struck up a conversation with someone because we liked her shoes. Can you believe this woman is 55?


  1. You look great in black and white. Very sophisticated. I have very similar hair colour to you but yellow / brown eyes . I'm also wearing a lot of black and white these days. I'm also adding soft grey. Such a change from my younger days when I only wore autumn tones. Ann

  2. If I may offer feedback, should you not think twice about shoes that come to your ankle which then cut across your leg and emphasize your ankles. I thought you liked to draw attention away from that area. I only offer this because I love your blog and appreciate all the advice you give us. Sheila, Northampton , England

  3. Susan you always look cute and polished.

    Just thinking, you would love White House/Black Market, they have such beautiful clothes and...they are affiliated with Chicos. Maybe a bit younger look to them.

    Will you paint your toes a hot pink next pedicure.... I think it would look so pretty, red sometimes looks old lady to me, JUST SAYIN. YOU, HOWEVER, ARE NOT AN OLD LADY!


  4. You look great as usual. Your new friend seriously does not look 55 at all. Are you sure you heard her age correctly?

    As for the comment from anonymous.... when did red nails start looking old lady? I love my red nails and read somewhere it was suppose to distract from age spots and veiny hands! Please don't tell me I'm dating myself again. sigh...

  5. Ya know Susan... I'm feeling like an ass for saying what color to paint your toes, you should paint them any color You Want! I'm sorry, I know each of us has our own style and actually my style is very similar to yours, so who am I to say do this or that, you are perfect just as you are! Besides men love red toes, it's very sexy.

  6. She's 55! She's stunning! Such lovely architecture on that building, I love seeing the photos you share from your part of the world.

    And as always you look great, and the shoes are awesome!

  7. Susan,
    I love the outfit as always, so together and the shoes are to die for!

  8. She is gorgeous...both of you together must create quite the stir wherever you go....and those shoes are amazing! Have a great weekend Susan!

  9. You rock black and white! I love your shoes...and your red pedicure...very classic. The lady you met certainly does not look her age...pretty gal.

  10. Susan the one thing that separates me from you as I negotiate my mid-50s, fashion and beauty is this: I can't wear those crazy high shoes! Even "just for the evening" I find it is not worth it as my back will let me know the next day. I don't want to sacrifice feeling good for power walks etc. Can you do a post on shoes that look good but are comfortable?


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