
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wear It Wednesday ... Hair

After many not so great hairstyle choices, I now have a keeper.

This cut is softly layered around my face with long bangs. I normally tuck most of the sides behind my ears.

I stopped coloring my hair when I turned fifty. I have never missed all those coloring appointments at more than $100 a pop, and I really hated the look of visible roots after such a short period of time. The softness of the natural silver-gray complements my own softer coloring much more than ever applied to my hair.

I use the Jhirmak Silver Plus shampoo at least once a week to keep it from turning dull and yellowish. On a couple of days, I skip the shampoo and just use conditioner. (These photos were taken on one of those days.) My hair and skin are much drier than when I was younger. I have tried a "zillion" shampoos and conditioners at all price points, but Suave is the only one I have found that my scalp doesn't react negatively to.

My hair is wavy by nature, but I blow dry it using a round brush to smooth it into the style you see above. The silver brush is used when not drying my hair, but I rarely think about it for the rest of the day. I don't even carry a brush in my bag.

The red arrow is pointing to the mystery button on many hair dryers. I didn't know until a few years ago what it was for. Turn down the heat to warm and hold the button down to blow cool air to close the cuticles of your hair. It also removes all the heat held in your hair so that you aren't perspiring while putting on your makeup.

Here's the rest of the look for Wear It Wednesday!

The cascading vest is from Covered Perfectly. The white tee and black Capris are from Chico's last year. The black platform sandals are from Kohl's a few years ago.


  1. wish my hair was thick and full, i have a genetic short fall, bald spots...i have my hair low lighted about once every three months it makes it look fuller, short of a hair transplant...i work around it

  2. I am debating the stop coloring my hair idea. Recently I had it highlighted so the roots weren't as stark (my hair is dark). Did you just let it go, or did you go lighter before stopping altogether with color?

  3. I used a temporary color and just kept getting a lighter color until all the permanent color grew out. I also got my hair cut rather short during the growing out to natural stage.

    1. I think that's where I'm headed. Thanks!

  4. Love your look! I just stopped coloring my hair last November ( at 52); I was tired of the constant need to try and hide the silver. I still have a lot of dark hair so the grey really shows but I actually like it! Still working on finding the keeper hairstyle...I'm close. :)
    You look fabulous!

  5. I need your hair stylist! I recently had mine cut and she did it so short I want to keep a bag over my head till it grows out! My granddaughter calls it the "grandma look." Mine, like yours, is full and naturally wavy AND curly. Wish I could find someone that didn't cost a fortune to cut it into a style I can keep. My hair is the same color as yours too. Too bad it's so far from Savannah, I'd go to your stylist. Thanks for making 50+ feel so (almost) exciting!

  6. I love this new softer cut on you! Very fresh. Your silver color looks fabulous.

  7. Your hair is beautiful! Natural color always looks better. I am going to try the shampoo...checked around and can buy it locally. Taking biotin and evening primrose oil has helped my hair and nails.

  8. I stopped coloring my hair at 52. It is pure white, as your sister's appears on your parents' anniversary picture. The front and bangs of my hair is styled similar to yours. My white hair is so very thick and wirey that it strays in all directions if I let it get too long in the back though. Because of its nature, I never use heat on my hair and always let it air dry. I also use Suave! I actually style it by fingering a Shea Moisture product with coconut oil through it.. It can by used whether hair is dry or wet and has worked great for me!

  9. Your hair looks great. Youthful and feminine. Thanks for all the great tips you keep giving us.


  10. Georgene (Gigi) KoenigJuly 5, 2014 at 10:51 PM

    I was a natural blonde and have kept it that color with monthly appointments since I was 25. (I'm 65 now.) I admire you and the other ladies with silver/gray hair; it's very attractive. But underneath the coloring my hair is white. I have tried to let it grow out, but with my fair complexion and the whiteness, I look invisible and ghostly. Looks like I will be coloring for years to come.

  11. Susan,
    Where can you find the Jhirmack shampoo? I like your natural silver hair. It beats sitting in a chair for an hour for color.

  12. I find Jhirmack shampoo at Target, Walgreens and even some grocery stores.


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