
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Time for Summer Sales!

I love this great lightweight jacket from Chico's.

Mr. Mickey and I stopped at the Asheville Chico's a few weeks ago to look through their sale racks. When I saw this jacket, it took my breath away. It is the lightest nothing weight fabric ever! I knew immediately it was for me since I can wear it out to dinner even on the hottest summer night. The silver, gold, and black colors, along with the bamboo-shaped black buttons and the Asian influence in the styling, made it different enough to stand out. It was also more than 50% off with a storewide sale including already marked down items.

The tank is from the Chico's outlet in Blowing Rock. The brocade pants and the necklace were found on the sale rack in my local Chico's last year. The shoes are from Ross. The handbag is so old I am not certain where I found it, but it was likely T.J.Maxx. 

I have most of the pieces I need in my closet at this stage of life, so shopping has become an occasional sport. If something catches my eye and I know it will go with many other items in my closet, it might get to come home with me. Many times I walk away with nothing. 

This jacket was also my reward for losing the weight I gained over Christmas. I never reward myself with the food that caused the problem in the first place. I have a friend who recently told me, "As soon as I lose this last five pounds, I'm going to eat at (her favorite fast food place)." My response was, "Why start over? Buy yourself a great fitting pair of jeans that you love instead."


  1. Love everything about this look on you! The color in the jacket is perfect with your hair and skin tone. My figure is different than yours,(I have a slim hourglass as opposed to the apple you say you have...although I don't see an apple stomach on you anywhere) so I don't wear the drapey jackets. My coloring is much like yours, so I very much enjoy seeing your color combinations and accessories! I find it difficult to judge how a color looks on myself, but get a good idea by what you wear! Thanks so much!

  2. That really is a fabulous jacket! Lightweight jackets for warm weather wear are always on my shopping radar.

  3. Gorgeous jacket! I have clothes I just can't fit into now. I'm trying to lose. The reward of a nice piece of clothing is a wonderful idea! Toss the old, and make way for the fresh. What an incentive for weight loss/taking care of myself! ~ Betty (SC)

  4. Nice jacket! Look forward to seeing it styled different ways. If you hadn't said something, I wouldn't have known you had put on an ounce. You're right-we are not dogs...we don't need to be rewarded with food.

  5. You always look great in Chico's clothing. I wish that was the case for me- I always end up looking like a big shapeless box in their clothing. Maybe my store just doesn't carry the good stuff.

  6. While I really enjoy your blog,I am glad not everyone has your philosophy of only buying at sale price! I own a boutique in Australia,catering to the 40 plus demographic,and would not survive if everyone waited for sale time. Believe it or not, I try to keep my prices at a reasonable level and understand what it is like working to a budget.
    Would your company survive if your clients only purchased "on sale"?

  7. I agree! I never pay full price! I love your jacket and will have to check at the Chico store here in Huntsville for it!

  8. My apologies to Bodie! I have a lot of followers who often say they can't afford to dress like me. I was trying to show that you can find nice things to fit your budget. Even if you shop at thrift stores it is possible to put together outfits that flatter you and go with other items you own. If you can afford to buy the newest things at your favorite store, that's wonderful. I have never had that luxury.


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