
Monday, June 9, 2014

Happy 60th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Mr. Mickey and I joined my beautiful sister and her husband to attend church with my parents on Sunday. Today is their 60th wedding anniversary! My sister created that fabulous bouquet displayed at the front of the church during the service. Their special day was announced, and they received a round of applause.

I wore a red dress which is so old I can't remember where I got it. The suede and reptile shoes and plain tan leather clutch were from Belk a couple of years ago. The hat has large wooden beads and animal print ribbon trim around the crown. Mr. Mickey bought it for me in a shop in Blowing Rock a couple of years ago.

Mr. Mickey was his usual dapper self!

My sweet father was so very proud! My mother was so tired that she was ready to go home and rest by the end of the service. She is feeling much better but is still very weak. Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes a few weeks ago when she had double pneumonia.


  1. What a beautiful picture of your family! I can see it enlarged and framed and hung in your lovely home.

  2. LOVE that dress! Unusual color for you? But so flattering on you (esp the waist!)!

    Congrats to your folks. 60 years is some accomplishment!

    Just curious - do you have a workout or exercise regimen?

  3. You had a busy weekend between birthdays and anniversaries! Such fun times!

  4. To LoriM, Thank you! I walk a couple of miles in the neighborhood as quickly as I can each morning. I eat mostly raw fruits and veggies. No pork and no beef. Rarely have dessert or bread. That's pretty much my routine. Have a great day!

  5. Awww, what a sweet family picture! Congratulations to your folks. Double pneumonia is no laughing matter; hope she continues to gain her strength. I recently had a collapsed lung so I have a strong respect for any lung problems. All of y'all look as pretty as a picture on a Sunday afternoon.

  6. Congratulations to your parents. And Good Health!!!

    We have just recently been invited to a close friends 60th Wedding Anniversary too. It is such a rare and joyous event.


  7. Congratulations to your parents and to Mr. Mickey for his birthday recently (by the way he looks fabulous with his red shirt matching to your beautiful dress ) I wish you always such happy days !
    dear Susan thank you for the tips to LoriM
    You look always lean and healthy !

  8. How wonderful that your parents have had 60 years together. I have found myself lately eating a much more plant based diet. I haven't given up meats altogether...but eat it much more sparingly.

  9. Now there is a closet item that might only get worn once a year, but deserves it's hanger space. Otherwise what would you wear on Pentecost Sunday?

    You Mom may be a bit tired, but I can tell that you gals didn't fall far from the tree - you've all got a sassy skirt and heels.

  10. Mom might be a little tired, but I can tell you gals didn't fall far from the tree. You've all got sassy skirts and heels.

    It doesn't matter if that red dress only gets worn once a year, it should keep it's place in your closet, what else are you going to wear on Pentecost Sunday?

  11. Your dad looks youthful. You have inherited good genes!


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