
Friday, April 25, 2014

The Magic of Nude Shoes

Nude shoes are great in any season, but they are nearly perfect in warm weather.

Whenever I create a Polyvore set such as the one above, I look for basic pieces found in most stores, including thrift stores. I look for pieces that cost less than $50 and that can work with many other elements. (That's the way I shop in real life too!)

 Upon entering a shoe department, the first color I look for is nude. I wear that tone more than any other.

Nude shoes elongate the leg and complement almost any outfit. Nude means the color closest to the color of your skin.

I employ other tips wearing one solid color or similar tones on my body with other colors. This helps to make me look taller and slimmer. Every horizontal break of color or pattern on your body makes you look shorter and wider. 

I look for handbags with simple details and minimal hardware. A red handbag is almost always a good idea. I favor neutral solid colors in subtle combinations, so the red handbag is a great pop of color.

One or two simple, bold accessories serve me well. This is especially true when wearing a hat. Everything else in your look should be minimal when you wear a hat. Think of the woman who wears sunglasses, large earrings, a hat, a necklace, and a scarf all at the same time. That's just too much going on in one place. Clutter in your outfit is never a good look.

When I first started blogging, I often strayed from these rules, and the look became too much like a costume. As I get closer to sixty, I want to look polished and comfortable. This is not the time in life to be a fashion victim.


  1. Think of the woman who wears glasses, earrings and a necklace or scarf all at the same time.

    I don't wear glasses because I have a choice. I have pierced ears. I look good in scarves.

    I have been thinking about this all day and am a little miffed by it.

    Am I never to wear a scarf? Or go without earrings?

    An no, contact lenses are not a choice.

    What if the glasses echo my personal coloring perfectly, the earring are small, in keeping with my frame and the scarf compliments my personal coloring exquisitely?

    Do you still consider me a clown?

  2. Dear Anonymous, I apologize if my words were hurtful. I should have mentioned larger earrings, a hat, a necklace, sunglasses and a scarf all at the same time. Small post earrings do not make a fashion statement so they can always be worn. Prescription glasses can be stylish or neutral so they work with anything. Please forgive me.

  3. All of it, great advice. I especially like the suggestion of buying neutral shoes. I assume you would recommend wearing shoes the same color as the pants you are wearing, to lengthen the lines. Of course, when it is warm and more leg is showing, neutral makes sense. I had not really thought about it before. Thanks!

  4. Hi Susan,
    Love your post. I never really thought of nude shoes that much until reading your blog this past year and now I have been incorporating them into my wardrobe. I have found that I do like the color much more than I thought I would. I love wearing them with all colors especially browns, whites and khaki. I still love my beautiful white shoes and sandals for summer but love having the new option of neutral colors as well. Thanks again for all the wonderful information you share. I deeply appreciate all the time and effort you put into your blog and face book page.
    Judith Presgrove

  5. Dearest Susan,

    I found your blog just recently and had the pleasure of reading the archives and getting up to speed. What a wonderful and gracious writing style you have. Always informative and you just come across as being so darn nice! I wouldn't be concerned about the few negative comments lately. You should never have to apologize. They are your opinions/suggestions. You're entitled to them. Continue sharing your ideas and we shall continue to enjoy them.

    Kindest regards,


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