
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Uncork The Fun

Last evening Mr. Mickey and I attended a fun Gatsby event hosted by The Johnson City Area Arts Council (JCAAC). Our regional arts council is dedicated to preserving and nurturing the traditional arts and cultural communities of Johnson City and the surrounding five-county area.

I try to dress age-appropriate, even in costume. Here I am in shades of gray and black again!

Doesn't Mr. Mickey look handsome as a gangster?

Arriving in this car would have been fun, but it was just parked outside the venue for the event.

The Rick Simerly Group entertained us for the evening.

Our friends Tom and Joy McGinnis. Joy is a famous artist from right here in Johnson City.

I don't think this gentleman sat down for the whole evening. It was such fun to watch him dance with all the ladies. Here he is doing the Charleston. 

Thank you for reading about our fun evening for a good cause. I hope you have a lovely Sunday!


  1. Hi Susan, this is Lyn from Australia and I regularly read your blog. You have a fine looking man there and you are both always the smartest dressers around I imagine. Looks like a lovely time was had by all and the venue itself was beautiful. Keep up the presentations so we can all aspire to be more like you.

  2. It looks like a LOT of fun! Of course you look like the bee's knees...

  3. Susan-I just attended a hospital benefit at our local winery in the flint hills and wore a very "Gatsbyesque" dress from Pissarro Nights-would have fit right in, what fun it would have been!

  4. What a hoot! Mr Mickey is too much of a gentleman to be a bad guy. You both look smashing. What fun you two have together.

  5. Hi Susan, I have been reading your blog for a few weeks but this is the first time I am commenting. It looks like you had a great time and I love your outfit!

  6. Looks like fun! Love themed parties for a good cause. xoxo

  7. much fun, Susan. You guys looked great and the car is perfect! It seems that Gatsby events are all the rage right now and you made it look easy! Have a great week!

  8. Love your outfit! And it does looks like a wonderful evening of fun. Thanks for linking up.

  9. This is so much fun, playing dress up and what great era there is than the Great Gatsby in the swinging 20s! You both look great.. Mr Mickey is too adorable to be a gangster ;)

    Greetings from Dubai :)

  10. It is great to have fun with costumes and dance for a good cause . You look lovely ,but I have to agree with other commentators, Mr. Mickey does not look like a gangster. Not a trace ...

  11. You look just fabulous Susan! Looks like you had a fun at the event, what a great idea!



  12. Did Mr. Mickey carry a violin case as an accessory? Both of you looked smashing!

  13. What fun! Wish I coulda been there ~

    Popped by from Vis Monday

  14. Excellent impromptu costumes ... easy to do, this decade, especially right now! So glad you had fun!

  15. What a happy set of photos these are, I love the one of everyone dancing. All the fun of dressing up in the style of the era but without the bad behaviour - I hope!


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