
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dinner with Mr. Mickey

One of our couple traditions is to have a date night on Wednesday. It gives us a chance to unwind, get caught up on the busy first part of the week, and plan our weekend ahead.

For this date night, I wore soft, fully lined black crepe pants, a black tank, and a lightweight, almost sheer blue jacket, all from Chico's last year.

The shorter necklace is from Nouvique, also worn here, and the longer necklace is from Chico's. The black strappy sandals are old from JCPenny. The black ruffled evening bag is also old.

I don't work for Chico's, and I don't get free clothes from them, but you might think so. Clothes that last for more than one season and keep their shape after going through the laundry are worth the investment. In my area, there are only a couple of stores in which I shop for that reason.

Tomorrow is my fifty-seventh birthday. There are a few messages I would like to share with my teenage self if that were possible.

1. Happiness is an inside job.
2. Find out what you can accomplish on your own before you commit to a relationship or marry. 
3. Become a vegetarian now for the best lifelong health and weight control possible.
4.You would be wise to buy one timeless top quality black pair of pants that you can wear for many years, rather than to buy five pairs of cheap pants that will only be worn for one season at most.
5. Imagine an event that you might actually be attending. Go to your closet and put together an outfit for that event. Your wardrobe should allow you to participate in any activity without causing stress or emergency shopping when it comes time to get dressed. Plan your purchases accordingly throughout your life.


  1. Happy birthday! You deserve to feel as great as you look all the time. Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom. I'm just a few years behind you...

  2. Happy Birthday, Susan! I hope it's a wonderful day. I'm not far behind you since I'll be 57 in October.

  3. Happy Birthday Susan! Enjoy your day! I am 57 today ~ we are almost twins!

  4. Happy Birthday, Susan! You look mahvelous! Every time you post an outfit I think it's my favorite and then you post another and I add that to my favorites list. Today's is at the top of the list.

  5. P.S. the advice is very sage. At sixty-six, I wish I had that advice years ago, and hope that I would have been savvy enough at that tender age to heed it.

  6. Happy Birthday! I just recently discovered your Blog and have enjoyed it very much! You have such an inspiring attitude. Beautiful inside and out!

    Melanie Mitchell

  7. Happy Birthday!!! Great outfit!

  8. Happy birthday! Today is my 57th birthday, so I know how you feel. Just got back from a wonderful dinner at a lovely restaurant here in London!


  9. Happy Birthday! Love your look. The blue is gorgeous

  10. Happy birthday Susan! You look fabulous as usual.

  11. You are a beauty - inside and out. You give us fifty+ women quite the inspiration. Blessings to you on your birthday!!

  12. Happy Birthday! Cute outfit and wise words.

  13. Happy Birthday, Susan!!
    Love your words to young self. If only we knew what we know now....
    You look gorgeous as usual!

  14. Happy Birthday to you!
    Have a fabulous day and wonderful weekend.
    Hugs xoxoxox

  15. Happy Birthday!
    Your are one of my favorite fashion bloggers. You always looks so elegant and put together.

  16. Happy Birthday Susan.
    We are both the same age, unfortunately only one of us is in fantastic shape.....and it isn't me. But your story has inspired me and I have been working towards two fantastic looking fifty-eight year olds.......
    Enjoy your day.

  17. Happy Birthday Susan.
    We are both the same age, unfortunately only one of us is in fantastic shape.....and it isn't me. But your story has inspired me and I have been working towards two fantastic looking fifty-eight year olds.......
    Enjoy your day.

  18. Susan,
    Happy Birthday! Your advice to your teenage self is appreciated by me, and I am 61. I am preparing frantically for a trip to Paris (first) and find I have nothing that either fits or is appropriate, as I wear corporate wear to work. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Maggie Fieger

  19. Thank you Susan for those ideas,
    I am going through your posts and , finding your examples very helpful. I am 54, and decided I needed to make more effort with my appearance and lose a few kilos.
    Following your blog makes it much easier. I admire people who take care and pride with whatever they do, such as yourself

    Thanks again



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