
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Private Invitation Updated

You are invited! I am conducting a Style Seminar at Chico's Biltmore Village in Asheville, North Carolina, on September 19 at 7PM. 

The store will be closed during this time and reserved for just us! 

We will discuss style trends for fall, line, proportion, color, accessories, and layering.

You know how much I love Chico's! 
I hope you can join me as they reserve the whole store for us this evening. I am looking forward to meeting you!


  1. wow, you look great. If I was in that area I would come.

  2. I love, love, love Chico's and wish you could fly me there to attend! You look great and I would absolutely love to come. Good luck on it!

  3. If I lived closer, I'd be there!

  4. Hopefully there will be a lot of ladies who DO live close enough to get along.
    I have just two regrets.
    1. I live several thousand miles away.
    2. I'm a man.
    Good luck. Hope it's a success.

  5. Arghhh! I would love to be at the seminar! Kinda long commute from Indianapolis know we all want to hear about the seminar. You will be smashing...

  6. I so wish I could much fun, Susan. Please report back to us how it goes. I love your top outfit!

  7. Well, I'm in London so perhaps a little too far for me... But I shall look forward to seeing the photos of the event on your blog! By the way, I think we are almost the same age (I was born September '56).


  8. I wish I could be there, but, alas, I live miles and miles away in NJ. Love Chicos! Best of luck with the style seminar. Can't wait to see the pics.

  9. I wish I could be there. But alas, I live miles away - in N J. I love Chicos. Best of luck with the event. Can't wait to read all about it.

  10. I wish I could be there, but, alas, I live miles and miles away in NJ. Love Chicos! Best of luck with the style seminar. Can't wait to see the pics.

  11. Maybe you could video it for those of us who are too far away to attend or at least give us some of the tips! Pictures and Synopsis?

  12. Gosh, I need to follow you. Like your style. Unfortunately I cannot attend the seminar for ... living in The Netherlands. LOL

  13. You "rock" those slim ankle pants like no one else I know! You have been my inspiration to purchase several pairs of ankle pants. I turn 54 tomorrow and thanks to you I am comfortable again in purchasing stylish clothes for my age.


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