
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Daffodils and Sunshine

On Saturday, we had a few hours of sunshine and temps above forty degrees for the first time in a long while.

Today I carried the faux alligator skin bag I told you about earlier. I really like it a lot! The size and shape are perfect for me. Sometimes you don't know how much you will like something until you take it for a "test drive." I will look for this size and shape when I invest in a higher quality bag in the future. The navy blazer is by Austin Reed, the red jeans are from Chico's, the boots are by Ralph Lauren via T.J. Maxx. The golf print scarf is from Ross.

Here you can see evidence of my one good day in the yard so far this year. I cut back all the monkey grass edging the front gardens, trimmed shrubs and irises back, and added mulch. In about another week, we should have nicer weather to go outside without shivering the whole time.

Working in my flower gardens has always given me serenity. I look forward to warmer weather when something new seems to pop up from the earth each day. So far, daffodils and few other early bulbs are the only things to bloom. The pink cherry trees should be in bloom next month. I'll be sure to share a picture of those with you.  

Below is one of my favorite little shade garden paths from last summer. 

Have a wonderful Sunday!
Thank you for visiting with me in my gardens.


  1. You have such great fashion sense which has helped me out so much. I know I don't have to be a "Mom Jeans" person anymore and can regain my self esteem as a woman, even if I am over 50. Again, thanks so much and keep it up....I love seeing what you come up with.

  2. I cant get enough of your blog. More please.I envy your ability to wear high heels. My knees won't allow it unless I am mostly sitting down.

  3. Lovely, as always, Susan! I always look forward to seeing your site!

  4. You look beautiful as always! The navy blazer is such a basic...have to search for one for my closet. I wasn't sure about the colored pants thing but the red ones you are wearing look chic, not trendy. Thanks for sharing your gardens. Enjoy your warmer temps. We are expecting 9" of snow later today and tonight here in Central Indiana. Ugh!

  5. gardens are gorgeous as is your outfit! You are always impeccable!

    I gave up on my gardens years ago; I have a few annual pots now and I just let my perennials run wild!

  6. Susan, what a wonderful garden you have! I'm sure you're waiting anxiously for this cold weather to end.
    As for your classy outfit, it's SO perfect! The colors, accessories, your photos!! You're such a gorgeous lady!

  7. you are looking amazing Susan !!
    sissy pathetica

  8. I love this outfit Susan. I never would have considered red jeans but they do not overpower the outfit because of the color choices you made. You always give me great wardrobe ideas.

  9. Your garden looks lovely Susan - and quite big! Love the fake alligator bag.

  10. A lovely outfit and a beautiful garden.


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