
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lipstick and the Symphony

Each year I give Mr. Mickey season tickets to the Johnson City Symphony for Christmas. We normally go shopping in the afternoon and then have dinner before the performance.

This was taken earlier in the day at Mickey's home. After I saw this picture, I asked him to take me to Merle Norman to buy lipstick.

Elizabeth, the beautiful young woman who helped me, had so much patience as we looked through a sea of color and formula choices. I found three colors that I am thrilled with. I haven't worn lipstick in many years, but lately, I've been craving more intense color, so I'm giving it a try again.

After the shopping trip, we enjoyed dinner at our favorite restaurant, Gourmet and Company, where we shared a chocolate dessert afterward. 

The guest artist for this symphony performance was Bella Hristova on violin. The concert was at the Mary B. Martin Auditorium at Seeger Chapel, Milligan. This program was Beethoven and Bella. Bella gave an amazing standing ovation performance.

I wore a black jacket with white stitching and long sleeve red tee with a red scarf. All the pieces are old, and you may have seen them combined differently in earlier posts. It was twenty-seven degrees when we left the concert, so I was thankful that I brought along a coat and wore layers.

Thank you for reading. 
Have a wonderful week!


  1. I've been feeling the need to wear brighter lipstick as well. I've let my hair go naturally grey, and as I've aged, I feel a little washed out. Merle Norman is a great place to go so you can try out the colors before you buy! Thanks for the great tip, and as always, for the wonderful outfit inspiration!

  2. In the years we've been FB friends, you just get more and more beautiful! Looking good, friend!

  3. It was great to meet you Susan! I love your blog! :) Come back and see me anytime!

  4. What a simple yet elegant look you have created! You look simply stunning and I especially love the splash of colour that the pashmina gives to this outfit. :-)


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