
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Come as you are... Really?

Our society has become so very casual that we now see grown women at the Post Office in pajamas and fuzzy slippers. Would you really want to run into your boss, your potential client, or your high school rival in your pajamas in a public place? It takes only three minutes to get dressed for running an errand if you have a couple of planned outfits hanging in your closet together and ready to slip into. You will be glad you took the extra minutes to put on actual clothes when you have to look someone in the eye and speak to them whether you know them or not. 

You say you are more comfortable in jeans and a tee? These three looks are built around jeans and a tee. You can look really nice and well put together no matter what you feel most comfortable in. 

As our American Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I am so grateful for the chance we have had to get to know each other over the past year. I look forward to sharing more with you in the coming years.


  1. My thoughts exactly. (Actually, they're your thoughts and I just agree emphatically!) I roll my eyes when I am told "come as you are." They really don't want that, I am sure. At least as I usually am. Thanks for the assertion of good taste!

  2. I hate to see someone out in public with pajama bottoms on. It is a pet peeve of mine.

  3. These are wonderful outfit ideas! "You never get a second chance to make a first impression" - gotta love this quote!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you also! I appreciate your kind comments.

  5. I would NEVER wear PJ's to the grocery store. I always try to dress nicely no matter where I am going. One thing I have noticed is that the older ladies are the ones that are generally dressed the nicest.

  6. These are great outfit options and exactly what I hope to gear my style toward. Casual, yet put together. I've not always achieved it, but it's my goal. At least I'm not out in public in pj's. I won't say how often I have them on at home though. haha
    Happy Thanksgiving. :)

  7. Hi Susan - thanks this has such helpful ideas! I could not find the off-white trench in polyvore though. Could you provide a link?

  8. This is the link for the trench shown above.

  9. yes, totally agree. Some lovely casual outfits you have put together!

  10. Brilliant! It's just a few finishing touches that make all the difference. Thanks for sharing these great looks with Visible Monday.

  11. I just found your blog via Patti. I went back several posts and enjoyed each one of them. You have excellent taste and I am a new follower! Stop by and say hi!


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