The person you see in the first photo is very unhealthy and unhappy with her body image on all levels. That's me in the Spring of 2011.
Spring 2011 |
Fast forward a year to the second photo. After I lost more than forty pounds!
Spring 2012 |
I was about to outgrow size 12 pants in the first photo. In the second photo, I'm comfortably wearing size 4 pants.
In 2010, I averaged two migraines per week. I rarely have a headache now, and the inflammation of joints that caused pain with every movement is gone. A backache that kept me from enjoying working in my flower gardens is gone. I no longer take medications of any kind. My lab test results are now perfect.
Everyone who sees me for the first time in a few months is amazed at my transformation. Of course, the first question is, "How did you lose so much weight so fast?" My answer is always, "Read the book "Eat To Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman" to learn what to eat and why.
~~~~~~~~~~~I have continued maintaining my weight since 2011.
While researching the world's healthiest foods, I found many of them in what I have for breakfast every morning. This is a hot cereal breakfast that keeps me from thinking about food until late afternoon. I'm sharing the recipe along with my story in hopes that I can inspire you to be a healthier, happier, more energetic person.
Susan's Power Porridge Breakfast
1 cup of hulled, organic barley (soak overnight and cook for one hour). Use filtered water.
1/4 cup of organic farro (cook for 40 minutes)
1/4 cup of brown organic lentils (add to the farro and cook for another twenty minutes)
1/4 cup of old-fashioned organic rolled oats (cook for about 10 minutes.)
2 Tablespoons brown flax seeds (I grind them in a coffee grinder) Stir as soon as you add these ground seeds.
2 Tablespoons sunflower seeds and sesame seeds
2 Tablespoon of raw organic pepitas (no shell pumpkin seeds)
2 Tablespoons natural raw walnuts
2 Tablespoons raw pecans
1 tablespoon of turmeric
1 tablespoon of Red Star Nutritional Yeast (Not brewer's yeast.) It supplies B vitamins.
Add cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg, or ground cloves to taste.
4 Large dates (pits removed) cut in half, then diced
1 sliced banana and 1/4 cup of blueberries or any fresh fruits you like.
Cooking instructions: Cook the barley in a separate pot uncovered. Add as much cooked barley as you want to the cooked farro, lentils, and oatmeal. The other items are added as desired until warmed through. Put in a bowl and add the fruit. You can save any extra to warm up for another breakfast.
(You may find these items on or if unavailable in your area.)
Packed with high nutrition, this breakfast will help you feel satisfied well into the afternoon.
It's been more than twelve years since I began this journey. I haven't had so much as a cold since I started eating this breakfast, followed by a sizeable vegetable-loaded salad late in the day. I drink water and eat fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables daily.
I still share a dessert with Mr. Mickey occasionally and have a glass of wine with food. But, 90% of the time, I eat whole-natural foods that have not been processed in any way other than perhaps being steamed. So, mostly, I just wash, chop, and enjoy.
Countless people have asked me, "How do you continue to keep the weight off?" This is my secret!